Bring your ideas to life with AI-generated images

Simply enter a prompt and let our tool do the rest. From logos and graphics to digital artwork and more, our tool can generate a wide range of images that are perfect for any project.

Unleash your creativity

BlueWillow AI can take any prompt and covert it to art. Give it a try!



Photo-realistic scenes


Our team is dedicated to creating the best image generating AI on the market. If you are a problem-solver with a passion for machine learning and a desire to work on cutting-edge technology, we want to hear from you. We have a variety of open positions in research, development, and more. Come be a part of our team and help us change the way the world thinks about AI and image generation.

How It Works

Our image generating AI is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone. No matter your level of experience or expertise, you can easily create amazing images with our tool. Simply enter your prompt and let our AI do the rest – it's as easy as that!

Join the Discord

Everything you need happens within the Discord. Test your prompts, generate your images, meet others, and get support all in one place.

Go to a "Rookie" Channel

Within any of the newbie channels use the /imagine command and type your prompt afterwards. The more specific the prompt the better the images.

Receive four Images

Within a minute you'll receive four images for you to download and use however you wish